Himani Mishra MD, Brand Radiator of Bihar awarded by BRICS Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Delhi. Received the prestigious “Emerging Woman Leader” award

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Himani Mishra, MD Brand Radiator has become the first ever female entrepreneur from Bihar to had the honour of receiving the prestigious award for “Emerging Women Leader” from BRICS CCI (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa Chamber of Commerce & Industry) Women’s Vertical in annual summit on the theme “Women Shaping the Techade”  on 4th March, ’23 in a grand ceremony held at Hyatt Regency New Delhi. Being a member of the panel, Himani has achieved a great feat.

She has not only brought honour to the women’s community, but also to the nation and her home state of Bihar. Brand Radiator is an industry-leading provider of Outreach Services & Branding, Information Technology and General Management Consulting. Himani is an influential and adaptable female entrepreneur who is also grounded and focused. Himani, a native of Patna, founded “Brand Radiator” in May 2018 and is a leader in Bihar’s difficult terrains. She is a visionary and therefore foresaw the state’s hidden talent pool. Despite the obstacles, she has moved forward with confidence and hard work to revolutionize Branding, digital marketing, and IT services in the state of Bihar. On being awarded with such a colossal recognition, she shared her insights quoting “Although the gender gap in digital technology has narrowed considerably in comparison to the past, there is still a tremendous opportunity to close the gap and eliminate gender bias in the specific field.” For example, only 25 percent of women are less likely to use mobile internet than their male counterparts. With the government on our side and our collaborative efforts, we can bring about a change that will be worth observing. Effective policies such as “The She Innovates Global Program” and policies encouraging more women to pursue STEM fields of study so that they can pursue technology as their primary contribution to the economy play a significant role in the development of the economy. To address India’s low level of digital literacy, the government launched the Pradhan Mantri Digital Saksharta Abhiyan in 2017 in order to ensure digital literacy. The BRICS CCI has been phenomenal at promoting trade and industry in its member states. This award from BRICS is unique because my company, Brand Radiator, is the first female-led technology company in Bihar’s tier-3 state, and it has received such a large recognition, which demonstrates BRICS’s intention to identify women working in the field of technology in India’s

rural areas. I fervently hope that everyone in the digital technology field, regardless of gender, contributes significantly to our economy. “

Eminent panelists in the event deliberated on how women entrepreneurs would be driving innovation and growth in the Techade and the need to bridge the digital gender divide. The achievements of emerging women entrepreneurs from both inside and outside the BRICS CCI network were also recognized.

In this event Dr. BBL Madhukar, Chairman cum Director General, BRICS CCI, Mrs. Swati Mahiwal, Chairperson of Delhi Commission for Women, Mrs. Shabana Naseem President, BRICS CCI WE, Mr. Sandeep Shastri, Vice Chairman BRICS CCI, representatives from USA, China and other dignitaries were also present.

A spark of rising flame for the budding women entrepreneurs in digital tech area is bound to take shape in camouflage, only to get revealed at the right moment.

BRICS CCI is a not-for-profit organization, recognized by the United Nations. It aims at providing a platform for active trade and commerce between the BRICS and other friendly nations. The BRICS Women Entrepreneurship Vertical is a dedicated vertical of the Chamber that aims to provide information about investment opportunities to women entrepreneurs. It aims to provide a wholesome approach for women and build leaders to effectively articulate their ideas in a meaningful manner with respect to changing trends and embolden gender diversity.

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